Protocol Management

GeoBanking takes advantage of its expertise and creates a useful tool for Hospitals and Organizations. Protocol Management enables computerization in daily protocol services with an easy and useful manner. PM can be utilized in every aspect of physical or digital archival process, providing the answer to the most critical “where is what” question.

About PM

Our Protocol Management Software simplifies complements and enriches your daily protocol services that are important for every Hospital or major Organization. It can monitor the workflow of documents during a typical workday, while at the same time archiving all the incoming and outgoing mail in physical or digital form. Protocol Management is currently in production at “Laiko” & “Psyxiatriko” hospitals handling over 50k documents per year.

Speed and Simplicity

During a busy workday in a hospital various documents need to be stamped, numbered and archived. Usually, it requires the involvement of a number of people who will carry out this task throughout the day. Our solution simplifies all this procedure, by assigning a barcode to every document, making it very easy to follow it within the organization, identify its scope and its recipient, i.e. the department that must handle it, while at the same time it is securely archived for future reference.

Monitor your documents with safety

Each organization needs to feel that all its work is carried out with safety and ease. Documents are the physical result of almost everything that is happening in a hospital or a similar organization. Therefore, it is critical to have a way of monitoring the status of all documents in real time. Furthermore, it is of great importance to have this monitoring done in a safe manner so that all the sensitive data concerning  for example a patient, or the financial data concerning the organization itself are kept secure. PMS gives you the solution, by keeping track of all the documents in your organization, and by securing all transactions in real time.

Advanced software for all your future needs

Our Protocol Manager is an advanced product for handling all your incoming and outgoing hard-copy mail, as well as any electronic document. Its design is modular, which means that it can follow your company’s growth. You don’t have to worry about growth in either users or documents since the software infrastructure allows the incorporation of an unlimited number of departments and users.