Extreme Customer Focus

GeoBanking’s customers value our commitment to their success. Our team includes dedicated, knowledgeable technology professionals who proactively reach out to help our customers. Our development team is passionate about innovation and thrives in delivering market-changing products. Across the company, we are driven by a desire to see our customers confident and productive with their applications.

We listen and we learn

We have learned and are still learning every day by listening to our customers and other industry professionals. They tell us about the new issues they are facing and how we can further develop products to provide solutions that make a difference. Whether you are a large multi-site global banking institution or a small local business, we can help you streamline and control your operations. We have integrated our expert domain knowledge of property valuations into our sophisticated software technology. By observing the way our customers utilize our software, we have developed intuitive and user friendly interfaces to ease data entry, query and reporting.

Modular Software

We tend to see our customers as partners and we are eager to provide them with practical solutions to their Real Estate needs. This means that we can adapt our software in order to match their exact expectations. There are examples of customers who have found more uses in our software products than the ones they purchased them for. geoBanking is always close to its customers, giving them true solutions to their Real Estate and Valuation issues.

Always Informed

GeoBanking provides its customers with a detailed plan, giving thorough information on the process of software development, exact timetable and dates of delivery. Our company is a dedicated and consistent partner on whom you may easily rely upon. In times of uncertainty it is good to know there is always a partner you can trust.

In good and bad times

geoBanking provides extreme customer support in any circumstances. Our Business Continuity Plan lets your company rest assured that even in the unlucky event of a disaster, we will be able to be up and running almost immediately. The Emergency Management Team activates a predefined and tested plan that ensures minimization of the effects of a disaster. Our support lines are redirected automatically to telesecretary services, vmware technology ensures that we have our production & testing environments online in minimal time, and our backup systems secure the availability of important files & data.