User Interface
Ktèma is developed by utilizing the most recent IT tools and architecture, providing users a convenient, safe and reliable Management & Administration environment. The application succeeds in hiding the complexity of the back-end by presenting the user with simple, easy to understand screens. The contents of each screen are formed dynamically based on the current user role, i.e. the user is presented only with the relevant information and functions.
Microsoft’s .net platform provides us with all the tools we need to secure interoperability with other systems that the Company has on operation. These include:
- on line – live connection to other database systems
- data exchange via web services
- data migration utilizing
- import
- export & import
- file based (txt,csv,xml)
User credentials are handled by the application. These are stored within the ktèma database. Every user is assigned a role, username & password. When the user enters the system for the first time it is requested to change the initial password. Whenever each user logs-in, the system keeps a record of the date and time. Additionally the system does not allow for the physical deletion of records. Records can only be marked as inactive.